Design Review: Volvo YCC concept
By Laura Blossfeld2015-05-06T21:22:00
Launched in 2004, the Volvo YCC (Your Concept Car) was a landmark in automotive design in that it was created by and all-woman team
I was bemused by the remarks of a few auto industry executives, who were quoted as saying that they found the Volvo YCC was perhaps condescending or even patronising to women. This concept, however, is a serious attempt to conceive and design a car by women for women – and men – the YCC team are convinced that their solution appeals to both genders.
In the seventies, in the infancy of feminism, it was decidedly controversial to point out the differences between men and women. Over the past 10 years, new research has shown marked differentiation in skills and behaviour between the sexes.
“Spatial ability, (judging speed, distance, angles and direction), is located in the right side of the brain for males and is one of their strongest abilities… Research commissioned by a UK defensive driving school showed that men averaged 82% accuracy in reverse parking someone else’s car close to the curb… women scored only 22% accuracy.” Allan Pease in ‘Why Men Don’t Listen, and Women Can’t Read Maps’.